Another bodoh kambing

mothership-julie tan

Image courtesy of

I used to tell the people who sent me dick pics that there was a growth on their penis and maybe they should get it checked out. Because a damn bodoh kambing is attached to it.

There are other more respectful ways to tell someone you find them attractive hor.

Bodoh kambing: Malay for “stupid goat”

Edgelord idiot spotted

Saw this snap of a local idiot on the Singapore subreddit.

Local idiot from Reddit

Image from Reddit

I’m always intrigued by my fellow Asians who wear/carry the Nazi symbol.

Like there are other ways to be edgy and other less evil, less murdery subcultures with geometric team logos who probably wouldn’t detain or exterminate you on the basis of your race/religion/sexuality/ideology to join.

And even if our local History textbooks didn’t cover much about the Holocaust, most Singaporeans have watched at least one or two Hollywood films or TV shows that clearly portray Nazis as bad. Unequivocally bad. People can’t be that ignorant, can they?

Or did this guy think Jojo Rabbit was The Hangover set in the 1940s?

CB, you say what about NS?

I had a good laugh when I read this post on NUSWhispers.

So much so that I actually shared it on my Facebook (FB) feed and wrote “I look forward to reading the comments on Reddit later…”

Because national service (NS) is such a fraught subject in Singapore. Most Singaporeans appreciate the need for a citizen army, but there are many guys who consider NS a waste of time. These men often also think that it puts them at a disadvantage career-wise in comparison to their female counterparts who are able to continue their studies or enter the workforce and gain an additional two years of professional experience.

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Right (story) angles

An overseas Singaporean student who tested positive for Covid-19 upon his return has accused a journalist of sensationalising his story which led to him to receive numerous negative online comments and insults.

I interned at The Straits Times as a reporter back in 2007-08. Speaking from experience, a story’s angle can change based on the information gathered/presented during the course of reporting.

It was best practice (for me at least) to notify the interview subject if the angle/tone of the article differs significantly from the original and let them have a read through to raise any objections and to alert you to any inaccuracies that need to be corrected before publication. But this isn’t always possible especially for breaking news stories with their shorter turnaround times.

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